BF Paray


For first time installation – download and install both Java Run Environment 7.0 and the Program Installer

For update – download and install only Program Update


Java Runtime Environment 7.0 for Windows

Program Installer

Program Update


Java Runtime Environment 7.0 for Windows

Program Installer

Program Update


Java Runtime Environment 7.0 for Windows

Program Installer

Program Update


Java Runtime Environment 7.0 for Windows

Program Installer

Program Update


Java Runtime Environment 7.0 for Windows

Program Installer

Program Update

Check Management

Java Runtime Environment 7.0 for Windows

Program Installer

Program Update


BF Inventory– Version 2.08 (Released 2024-08-28)

  • Inventory Withdrawal – enabled delete function

BF Inventory– Version 2.07 (Released 2024-08-28)

  • Login – fix issue where inactive users should not be logged in
  • Inventory Entry – add access to Edit Approve transactions

BF Housing– Version 2.42 (Released 2024-08-27)

  • Payment Entry – correct the company name in the Affidavit of Undertaking.

BF Inventory– Version 2.06 (Released 2024-08-27)

  • Inventory Entry
    • fix date from and to filter
    • add Prepared By in print report
  • Inventory Withdrawal
    • fix date from and to filter
    • add Prepared By in print report

BF Inventory– Version 2.05 (Released 2024-08-16)

  • Inventory Entry – add access right for Edit Approved transactions

BF Inventory– Version 2.04 (Released 2024-08-12)

  • Migrate database connection into Local Server

BF Rental – Version 1.61 (Released 2024-08-05)

  • Unit Master – added checkbox for “Show all unit”
  • Contract – added filter on Add Unit List based on unit setup for show all unit

BF Utility – Version 1.58 (Released 2024-07-10)

  • Contract – fix VAT and Withholding Tax for LPG bill type

BF Utility – Version 1.57 (Released 2024-07-10)

  • Fix on Billing Report

BF Utility – Version 1.56 (Released 2024-07-08)

  • Contract – rounding up of decimals to the nearest hundreds

BF Utility – Version 1.55 (Released 2024-07-08)

  • Contract – fix LPG input amount

BF Utility – Version 1.54 (Released 2024-06-19)

  • Contract – filter unit list based on vacant only

BF Utility – Version 1.53 (Released 2024-06-03)

  • Building – added LPG rate

BF Water – Version 1.24 (Released 2024-04-30)

  • Billing – revised printout in preview bill

BF Utility – Version 1.52 (Released 2024-04-30)

  • Contract – additional LPG setup

BF Rental – Version 1.58 (Released 2024-04-02)

  • Fix filter on Add Unit in Contract Entry

BF Rental – Version 1.57 (Released 2024-03-27)

  • Modified Payment printout report

BF Housing– Version 2.41 (Released 2024-03-07)

  • remove fix approved name in commission printout report

BF Utility – Version 1.51 (Released 2024-02-05)

  • Contract – fix error on removing penalty bill
  • Billing – add remarks and reference number in preview bill

BF Rental – Version 1.56 (Released 2024-02-02)

  • Modified Monthly Billing Report
  • Contract – editable edit and end contract button only if rows selected in contract not building

BF Utility – Version 1.50 (Released 2024-01-03)

  • Contract – fix error on add bill for new created contract

BF Rental – Version 1.54 (Released 2023-12-14)

  • Monthly Billing – fix filter on payment mode

BF Rental – Version 1.53 (Released 2023-12-13)

  • Payment Entry – remove date received
  • Monthly Billing – fix series code

BF Utility – Version 1.49 (Released 2023-11-30)

  • Payment Entry – fix search function

BF Rental – Version 1.52 (Released 2023-11-30)

  • Payment Entry – fix search function

BF Rental – Version 1.51 (Released 2023-11-23)

  • fix loading issue in payment entry

BF Utility – Version 1.48 (Released 2023-11-23)

  • fix loading issue in payment entry

BF Utility – Version 1.47 (Released 2023-11-23)

  • Payment Entry
    1. remove time in system date
    2. remove payment date
    3. remove date received

BF Housing– Version 2.40 (Released 2023-11-20)

  • added field for wtax percentage

BF Utility – Version 1.46 (Released 2023-11-20)

  • modified Billing report

BF Utility – Version 1.45 (Released 2023-11-16)

  • add system date in Miscellaneous Payment

BF Rental – Version 1.50 (Released 2023-11-15)

  • added system and payment received date in Payment entry

BF Rental – Version 1.49 (Released 2023-10-25)

  • remove contract with cancelled status in unreviewed report
  • enabled status field in building master

BF Rental – Version 1.48 (Released 2023-10-12)

  • Monthly Billing – revised unpaid amount

BF Utility – Version 1.39 (Released 2023-10-03)

  • Contract – Change Maintenance button to Cusa button
  • Billing print-out – Change Maintenance to CUSA

BF Rental – Version 1.47 (Released 2023-09-15)

  • Payment Entry – added Cash in the payment mode

BF Rental – Version 1.46 (Released 2023-09-14)

  • Contract – Mode of Payment is Check and Monthly Billing

BF Utility – Version 1.37 (Released 2023-09-13)

  • Billing Module – revise due amount computation for repairs bill type

BF Water – Version 1.23 (Released 2023-09-12)

  • Payment Print-out – Extend width of remarks and date field
  • Payment Print-out – Add Total column and add Period column

BF Utility – Version 1.36 (Released 2023-09-12)

  • Billing Module – Revise Vat and Witholding Tax computation

BF Utility – Version 1.35 (Released 2023-09-07)

  • Billing Module – Witholding Tax is 2%

BF Utility – Version 1.34 (Released 2023-09-07)

  • Billing Print-out – Revise retrieval of Vat Amount and Witholding tax

BF Water – Version 1.22 (Released 2023-09-06)

  • Payment print-out
  • – Don’t put “Official” in Receipt
  • – Please see M-152, multiple payments, some rows can not be seen in print-out
  • – Reconnection Fee is “Rent” in bill type- error fix

BF Utility – Version 1.33 (Released 2023-09-06)

  • Contract – Date Renderer

BF Utility – Version 1.32 (Released 2023-09-04)

  • Outstanding Balances Report -remove end of contract tenants

BF Utility – Version 1.31 (Released 2023-09-01)

  • Outstanding Balances Report
  • -group by contract number
  • – printed date

BF Utility – Version 1.30 (Released 2023-09-01)

  • Outstanding Balances Report -retrieve all or specific building

BF Utility – Version 1.29 (Released 2023-08-29)

  • Remove Unpaid Accounts Report
  • Miscellaneous Billing module

BF Utility – Version 1.28 (Released 2023-08-16)

  • Outstanding Balances
  • Contract – split of columns for vat and witholding tax and revise due amount
  • Billing – split of columns for vat and witholding tax and revise due amount
  • Generate Bills – revise retrieval bills for the split of Vat and Witholding Tax
  • Statement of Account Report – Split Vat and Witholding Tax column
  • Add Access for Individual buttons in the Contract Entry
  • Miscellaneous Print-out – Utilities

BF Rental – Version 1.44 (Released 2023-08-11)

  • Contract -> split columns for vat and witholding tax and revise due amount
  • Monthly Billing -> revise data retrieval for the Vat and Witholding tax
  • Payment Entry -> do not auto input paid amount
  • Payment Entry -> require deposit date for online payment type

BF Water – Version 1.21 (Released 2023-07-18)

  • Payment Entry – Enable Print button even if transaction is not approved

BF Water – Version 1.20 (Released 2023-07-12)

  • Payment Entry – M-Series

BF Housing – Version 2.39 (Released 2023-07-10)

  • Reservation – Retrieve data base on account created date

BF Housing – Version 2.38 (Released 2023-07-10)

  • Reservation – Retrieve only the first payment of the Customer

BF Rental – Version 1.43 (Released 2023-07-10)

  • Unpaid Accounts -> Monthly and Yearly -> include tenants with zero billings

BF Housing – Version 2.37 (Released 2023-07-08)

  • Payment Entry – Unreviewed Report

BF Rental – Version 1.42 (Released 2023-06-29)

  • Unpaid Accounts – Monthly and Yearly

BF Water – Version 1.19 (Released 2023-06-22)

  • Miscellaneous Payment – Review button and Status

BF Utility – Version 1.26 (Released 2023-06-14)

  • Payment Print-Out – Running Balance

BF Utility – Version 1.25 (Released 2023-06-013)

Contract – Error Current Reading Date

BF Utility – Version 1.24 (Released 2023-06-07)

  • Payment Print-out – add balance column
  • Billings – no vat generation if no consumption

BF Rental – Version 1.41 (Released 2023-06-07)

  • Monthly Total Rental – remove construction bond and security deposit
  • Miscellaneous Payment – add payment details in the print-out

BF Utility – Version 1.23 (Released 2023-06-07)

  • Contract – edit billings
  • Miscellaneous Payment – review button
  • Miscellaneous Payment – add payment details information in the print-out

BF Rental – Version 1.40 (Released 2023-05-29)

  • Statement – Revision

BF Housing – Version 2.36 (Released 2023-05-29)

  • Reservation Report – Add House Account filter

BF Housing – Version 2.35 (Released 2023-05-22)

  • Reservation Report – Add Account filter

BF Water – Version 1.18 (Released 2023-05-19)

  • House Master – enable edit status and remove delete button

BF Utility – Version 1.22 (Released 2023-05-18)

  • Miscellaneous Payment – Add Payee field

BF Housing – Version 2.34 (Released 2023-05-12)

  • Daily Transaction – Unreviewed Report

BF Housing – Version 2.33 (Released 2023-05-11)

  • Daily Transaction – Unreview button

BF Rental – Version 1.39  (Released 2023-05-10)

  • Payment Request – Format WTH column

BF Utility – Version 1.21  (Released 2023-05-05)

  • Billing – revise vat computation

BF Utility – Version 1.20  (Released 2023-05-04)

  • Billing – revise vat computation

BF Water – Version 1.17  (Released 2023-05-02)

  • Bank Master

BF Rental – Version 1.38  (Released 2023-04-26)

  • Unpaid Accounts – include lacking checks
  • Monthly Total Rental – exclude security deposit and construction bond

BF Water – Version 1.16  (Released 2023-04-26)

  • Payment Type – Add Online type
  • Require Bank on Check and Online payment type

BF Rental – Version 1.37  (Released 2023-04-25)

  • Payment Print-out – reflect security bond in the details

BF Rental – Version 1.36  (Released 2023-04-18)

  • Payment Print-out – formatting

BF Utility – Version 1.18  (Released 2023-04-16)

  • Bills – default computation of vat if tenant is tagged as Vatable

BF Rental – Version 1.35  (Released 2023-04-16)

  • Payment Entry – Payment Type (Cash/Check/Online)
  • Payment Entry – Require Bank for Check and Online
  • Payment Entry – Fix print-out balance

BF Rental – Version 1.34  (Released 2023-04-14)

  • Monthly Billing – fix incorrect building and address
  • Payment Entry – fix incorrect building of the unit
  • Payment Entry – expand Payment Number column in the summary

BF Rental – Version 1.33  (Released 2023-04-13)

  • Contract  -reflect unit after click of New button
  • Contract – remove online trans in the mode of payment
  • Contract – mode of payment
  • Payment Entry – revise print-out

BF Utility – Version 1.17 (Released 2023-04-12)

  • Miscellaneous Payment – select tenant
  • Miscellaneous Payment – print even if not reviewed

BF Rental – Version 1.32  (Released 2023-03-30)

  • Contract  -fix error in opening contract module
  • Unpaid Accounts – include active tenants with no billing for the month selected

BF Rental – Version 1.31  (Released 2023-03-29)

  • Acknowledgement Receipt – fix triplicate details in every page of the print-out

BF Rental – Version 1.30  (Released 2023-03-29)

  • Statement of Account – Change display of Period

BF Rental – Version 1.29  (Released 2023-03-25)

  • Monthly Billing – adjust signatory field

BF Rental – Version 1.28 (Released 2023-03-25)

  • Statement of Account – Paid Amount Fix
  • Statement of Account – Security Deposit no vat and withholding amount
  • Contract – fix error adding of new tenant

BF Rental – Version 1.27 (Released 2023-03-17)

  • Statement of Account – Running Balance fix
  • Contract End – fix contract end rate

BF Rental – Version 1.26 (Released 2023-03-15)

  • Unpaid accounts – remove bank account details if not partially paid

BF Rental – Version 1.25 (Released 2023-03-15)

  • Unpaid accounts – fix duplicate amount of 1 contract with multiple units
  • Unpaid accounts – remove vacant units

BF Rental – Version 1.24 (Released 2023-03-14)

  • Unpaid Accounts Report

BF Utility – Version 1.16 (Released 2023-03-07)

  • Billing Generation – Compute Vat for Parking and Advertising

BF Water – Version 1.15 (Released 2023-03-02)

  • Fix Error Accounts with Balance
  • Fix Error Stagnant Readings

BF Rental – Version 1.23 (Released 2023-03-02)

  • Payment Request – Vat and Witholding Tax column
  • SOA – Vat and Witholding Tax column

BF Utility – Version 1.15 (Released 2023-03-02)

  • Statement of Account

BF Rental – Version 1.22 (Released 2023-03-01)

  • Transmittal – Original ,Duplicate

BF Water – Version 1.14 (Released 2023-02-26)

  • Unreviewed button transferred near transmittal button
  • Unreviewed report – fix page number error

BF Utility – Version 1.14 (Released 2023-02-26)

  • Unreviewed button transferred near transmittal button
  • Unreviewed report – fix page number error

BF Rental – Version 1.21 (Released 2023-02-26)

  • Unreviewed button transferred near transmittal button
  • Unreviewed report – fix page number error
  • Total Rental Report – show other mode of payments even if no bank

BF Utility – Version 1.12 (Released 2023-02-23)

  • Receipt print-out – Portrait

BF  Water – Version 1.13 (Released 2023-02-21)

  • Unreviewed Payments – document no pages

BF Rental – Version 1.19 (Released 2023-02-20)

  • Transmittal Summary – prepared by name
  • Unreviewed Payments – subdivision header – changed to building
  • Payment Entry – do not require check number for Online Transfer

BF Utility – Version 1.11 (Released 2023-02-20)

  • Miscellaneous Payment – cannot open
  • Unreviewed Payments – document no pages fix

BF Water – Version 1.12 (Released 2023-02-20)

  • Billing Print-out – correction of letter “c” in notees
  • Miscellaneous Payment
  • Payment Entry print-out – place total number of checks
  • Payment Entry – Unreviewed Payment
  • Payment Entry – Transmittal
  • Original,Duplicate and Triplicate words – will be displayed in slanting position

BF Utility – Version 1.10 (Released 2023-02-20)

  • Acknowledgement Receipt – letter size
  • Miscellaneous Payment
  • Payment Entry print-out – place total number of checks
  • Payment Entry – Add Unreviewed Payments
  • Payment Entry – Transmittal
  • Original, Duplicate and Triplicate words – will be displayed in slanting position
  • Online payment – require Bank
  • Contract – Vat computation for Parking and Ads bill

BF Rental – Version 1.18 (Released 2023-02-20)

  • SOA – letter paper size
  • Payment Request – letter paper size
  • Remove Payment Update module
  • Payment Entry – dropdown status list in details
  • Payment Entry – date filter
  • Payment Entry – Transmittal
  • Payment Entry – Unreviewed Report
  • Payment Entry – Request Checks for Return
  • Payment Entry – Request for Refund
  • Remove Change Rate
  • Miscellaneous Payment – show summary upon opening
  • Miscellaneous Payment – add quantity and price column
  • Remove Refund Payment module
  • Online payment – require of bank

BF Rental – Version 1.17 (Released 2023-02-14)

  • Contract – Fix cannot save new tenant with enye letter

BF Rental – Version 1.16 (Released 2023-02-13)

  • Payment Request – fix Construction Bond and Security Deposit bill type label

BF Rental – Version 1.15 (Released 2023-02-08)

  • Vacancy Report
  • Payment Request – Unpaid Billings

BF Rental – Version 1.14 (Released 2023-02-07)

  • Miscellaneous Payment
  • Payment Entry – copy detail – inputted nthe numerical for number of checks but system prompts invalid check number
  • Vacancy Report
  • Payment Entry print-out – place total number of checks
  • Unreviewed Payments – Include also the payment type that are not checks
  • Payment Entry – display unit number in the header portion of the selected contract
  • SOA,Monthly Billing ,Payment Request – please add: Building name, Building address, TIN Number and Business style
  • Acknowledgement Receipt – display unit number
  • Original,Duplicate and Triplicate words – will be displayed in slanting position
  • Transmittal Summary
  • Skipping Months
  • Contract -Fix cannot save entry if VAT-Withold amount is zero

Version 1.00 (Released 2023-01-07)
